Webinar: Real-World Applications of Origin-Destination Travel-Time Information
Live webinar: Thursday, June 17, 2021 @ 9 am PT | 11 am CT | 12 pm ET
Join us as we share real-world examples of how transportation agencies are using origin-destination travel-time information through BlueTOAD’s BlueARGUS web-based performance software.
Iteris' Scott Robinson and Peter Yauch, P.E., PTOE will explain how to quickly capture “before and after” driving behavior and measure cut-through traffic patterns, as well as demonstrate the value of travel-time insights for improving safety and mobility in your community.
By attending this webinar, you will learn:
- Quick and intuitive techniques to create origin-destination visualizations/reports using BlueARGUS
- Several key benefits of collecting travel-time data for arterial management
- The importance of validating traffic patterns
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