Editor's Choice: Stories That Inspired Us – June 2018
Every month, David Sadeghi will share five inspiring, thought-provoking or newsworthy articles from the worlds of intelligent transportation, digital agriculture, smart cities and other areas we think you'll care about as much as we do.
Driverless Shuttles Debut at University of Michigan
by Martin Slagter for the Ann Arbor News via GovTech
The highly-anticipated autonomous shuttle service went live June 4, and plans to extend the routes to other parts of the campus are already in the works: read the full article
Tools to Help U.S. Agriculture Stay Competitive
by Mike Johanns for the Farm Bureau News
Every five or so years, the U.S. Congress has the difficult task of trying to pass an act that will guide the future of the agriculture industry, while simultaneously trying to minimize the rural/urban divide: read the full article
The lifesaving difference between connected cars vs. self-driving cars
by Gregory Winfree and Larry Head for The Hill
Perhaps you’ve envisioned your commute someday involving a self-driving car. But imagine if that futuristic ride not only could drive itself, but also could communicate with other cars, sharing vital safety signals: read the full article
High risk of food shortages without pesticides, says chemical giant
by Damian Carrington for The Guardian
Head of Syngenta, world’s biggest pesticide maker, says rejecting farming tech could have serious consequences within 20 years: read the article
ITS America CEO tells senators we’re on the brink of transport revolution
ITS America President and CEO Shailen Bhatt has told senators in Washington DC that connected and automated vehicles are bringing about a technology revolution that will change industries, transform communities, and ultimately positively affect the safety and operations of America’s transport system: read the full article
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to share any articles that have inspired you recently or comments on anything you've read here, feel free to email me at dsadeghi@iteris.com.
The views expressed in any articles we share do not necessarily represent the views of the author or Iteris.