Editor's Choice: Stories That Inspired Us – July 2018
Every month, David Sadeghi will share five inspiring, thought-provoking or newsworthy articles from the worlds of intelligent transportation, digital agriculture, smart cities and other areas we think you'll care about as much as we do.
New Association launched to promote Mobility as a Service in the USA
by Adam Frost for Traffic Technology Today
A new, not-for-profit organization, the Mobility as a Service Association (MaaS-A), has been launched in the USA to champion integrated mobility services across all modes of transportation that more effectively address the needs of the contemporary traveler: read the full article
Five takeaways from 2020 Cities, Brussels
by Jack Aldane for Cities Today
In June, Cities Today brought together municipal governments and mobility service providers to discuss the challenges of introducing ‘Mobility-as-a-Service’ (MaaS) to cities across Europe during the 11th 2020 Cities meeting: read the full article
How digital ticketing could eliminate profits in public transport
by Marcus Mayers via LinkedIn
Why the transportation sector needs data scientists
by Vivian Zhang for Venture Beat
The transportation industry is ripe for advancement. With the addition of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, the industry might not be recognizable in 10 or 20 years. More connectivity means fully optimized operations and manufacturing, decreased downtime and accidents, and — what everyone is waiting for — driverless vehicles and ships: read the article
One Woman’s Decade-Long Struggle for Safer Intersections in Florida
by Angie Scmitt for Streets Blog USA
Melissa Wandall became the leading force for red-light camera enforcement in Florida after losing her husband Mark in 2003, while nine months pregnant: read the full article
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to share any articles that have inspired you recently or comments on anything you've read here, feel free to email me at dsadeghi@iteris.com.
The views expressed in any articles we share do not necessarily represent the views of the author or Iteris.