Editor's Choice: Stories That Inspired Us – February 2018
Every month, David Sadeghi will share five inspiring or thought-provoking articles from the worlds of intelligent transportation, digital agriculture, smart cities and other areas we think you'll care about as much as we do.
Closing the Gap Between the Precision Ag Industry and New Graduates
Eric Oeth for PrecisionAg
Agriculture organizations that want to make the next generation of students as passionate for the industry as their employees are can do little things, today, to help make that happen: read the full article
The Future of Connected Transit Is More Than Just Driverless Cars
by Michelle Maggiore for StateTech
From building an infrastructure backbone to securing autonomous vehicles, there's a lot left on the horizon for connected transit: read the full article
3 Far-Flung Cities Offer Clues to Unsnarling Manhattan’s Streets
by Christina Anderson, Winnie Hu, Weiyi Lim and Anna Schaverien for the New York Times
Offering city congestion charge insights from Stockholm, Singapore, London and New York, four writers help to frame the current debate going on in New York from an international perspective: read the full article
A vision of city transportation, circa 2043
by Eric Jaffe for Sidewalk Talk
Forward-looking transport academic David Levinson offers his unique vision of a future that includes "dynamic curbs", "enforcement droids" and the ubiquity of self-driving cars in this SideWalk Talk Q&A: read the full interview
Interview: Driving economic growth in the smart city of tomorrow
by Sandra Vogel for Internet of Business
How can a smart city best leverage IoT to drive economic growth, Internet of Business asks Vanja Subotic, director of product management at InterDigital’s Chordant: read the full interview
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to share any articles that have inspired you recently or comments on anything you've read here, feel free to email me at dsadeghi@iteris.com.
The views expressed in any articles we share do not necessarily represent the views of the author or Iteris.
About the Author:
David Sadeghi is digital marketing manager at Iteris.