Editor's Choice: Stories That Inspired Us – August 2018
Every month, David Sadeghi will share five inspiring, thought-provoking or newsworthy articles from the worlds of intelligent transportation, digital agriculture, smart cities and other areas we think you'll care about as much as we do.
Big data is coming to agriculture. Farmers must set its course
by Achim Walter for World Economic Forum
The industrialization of agriculture began some 100 years ago. We are now witnessing its digitalization. But a wave of big data may sweep farmers off their land, unless they mark out a course in good time and decide which problems digital technologies should address:
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2018: the Year of Multimodality
by Emma Cassar for Times of Malta
Change is coming to transportation and some early adopters have already been, or are currently, testing innovative technologies within the transport sector. These technologies are set to change the way we plan and pay for our journey and how we get to our destination:
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Inside Portland's Plan to Battle Traffic Deaths by Hanging 'Smartphones' on Street Lights
by Glenn Fleishman for Fortune
Three deadly streets in Portland, Oregon, are about to get a high-tech upgrade. It’s not smart pavement or Robocop traffic guards, but an intelligent set of sensors mounted on street lights that will provide a constant stream of information about what’s moving, and how fast:
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MaaS is at the ‘baby steps’ stage – but needs to get up and running soon
Data sharing between organisations remains a potential problem for Mobility as a Service projects, attendees at February's MaaS Market conference in London were told. Alan Dron listens in on the presentations:
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Making Way for a New Mobility
The idea of Mobility Hubs, also known as “Transit Oriented Development”, “Over Station Development” or “Metro Precinct Activation” may have been considered radical in 2014 but has since rapidly developed:
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Thank you for reading. If you'd like to share any articles that have inspired you recently or comments on anything you've read here, feel free to email me at dsadeghi@iteris.com.
The views expressed in any articles we share do not necessarily represent the views of the author or Iteris.